Monthly Archives: June 2024

Starting up again

I first started this blog over 2013 to 2015, around the time of the publication of my two books – one on the reform of the World Bank published by Cambridge U.P., and the other on the role and effectiveness of private (diaspora) money in replacing foreign aid, published by Anthem Press. After a hiatus of several years while I went down other pathways I am starting up again.

My aim is to seek common sense in foreign aid and development policy and at the same time to follow up other related topics that keep me awake at nights. I spent 40 years in a series of international development- related jobs, including in the World Bank, on long term assignments ‘in the field’ in several countries, on the staff of other development agencies, teaching at University, and consulting. So I think that I know something about development aid.

My return to blogging does not mean that I have discovered simple answers. There are no more simple answers now to the plight of poor countries than there were in 2015. However, by exposing past history, uncovering hidden assumptions and increasing the level of transparency I hope that I can move the debate in a direction that provides solutions. I hope you will join me again in this adventure.